Saturday, January 08, 2005

Well I should probably mention a couple things that have happened since my last blog, you know Thanksgiving and Christmas and then the New Year crept up too. So a quick run through. Thanksgiving we helped distribute 135 food boxes to low income people and then we started collecting toys and we helped 600 kids and 100 families with food boxes at Christmas. Just as January was rolling in, Sierra came down with Strep and Chicken Pox. So, Jason and I have been tag-teaming the kids and work. We are either here or there and we see each other in passing mostly. Can't wait for that to change. We've been insanely busy and I don't see an end in sight. We're both still at Seasonal Workers and it is a volunteer run organization, but since we are full time they are covering our rent/utilities and phone.

I have this bird feeder that I stuck in the backyard and now it is quite a hang out. Word got out that the Houks are "friends to all birds as well as any and every other critter under the sun", so I now have to fill it 2-3 times a day. Today I made a few more homemade feeders with soda bottles and I am looking for an onion bag (or something with small holes that I can put birdseed in and hang from the trees out there.) I love waking up to the birds by the window. OH and we have snow all over the place. That is about all that is new here.

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