Tuesday, April 05, 2005

It always goes back to circles. If I were an artist I would draw a big purple circle and around the edges of it I would put a wave, an iris, a cat, branches of a tree, parrot, a raccoon. I'd put a photo of our family right in the center of it.

I "should" be writing an article on Oregon's welfare to work program and how it is failing people. Instead I am surfing and listening to "The Amazing Race." Kind of pathetic, I know.

I turn 36 in a couple weeks. I've been thinking about some things I want to do before I die (so cheerful huh?). Nothing like a birthday to make you face time. Here is what is on my list so far...
(In no particular order)
1. I want to see the following countries: India, Australia, Africa, Ireland. This poses more of a challenge than just coming up with travel money because I married a man who is deathly afraid to get in an airplane. So, to get to these places we have to go by boat. Nothing like a nice slow boat trip across the world...
2. I want to hike the Pacific Crest Trail all the way through Oregon. This is also a hilariously funny goal considering how much time I spend trying to get out of walking downtown. Hey, I can change any minute... And lofty goals are good goals.

Well that is the main part of my list, but I will add more later.

Monday, April 04, 2005

What a wonderful world! We're waiting for you.
Lilypie Baby Ticker